Thursday, November 27, 2008

Cupcake Confectionary: Designs so far

This is the main logo for Cupcake Confectionary, talking with Suze about colour scheme we agreed a pink colour would be the main colour seen in the products and the other colours would be pale blues, purples and yellows.

It was interesting doing this cause i'm not much of a colour person.


The Australian Graphic Design Association (AGDA) is a national organisation for graphic designers in Aistralia. It was founded in 1988 to facilitate the advancement of the graphic design profession. The goal of AGDA is the establishment of fair and productive working relationships between graphic designers and their clients. they do this by providing designers with the tools and information to take control of their professional lives. they also work on increasing awareness of the value and importance of graphic design in business, education and culture. AGDA is made up of volonteers who also ave a proffesional buisess life outside of AGDA but are still able to keep up the purpose of AGDA.

Cupcake Confectionary:Design Brief

The design brief i was recived was well thought out, it explained everything needed to be done and what the company was ment to be, i had to only sk a few questions mainly about colour schemes and what the overall imagery should look like. i've had no problems with the brief.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


option 1. was a typeface i created from various other typefaces like lord of the rings, D&D runes etc. it was basically a title font for a fantasy setting. i didbn't choose this one because it was too fancy and could not be used for body type.

option 2. was a more simple script typeface, which can be used for title and body type. i didn't choose this one because i though it was too simple and i had no idea how i can use it in poster design etc.

Friday, June 27, 2008

7890c Compositing in photoshop#9

for me it's kinda hard remembering places, bu i do remember people and the characteristics of those people, in a way this helps me remember time and places, but peoples characters imprint in my memory better than places or names.

7890c Compositing in Photoshop#8

Me in paris, wanted to get a nice oldish feel to it so i made it black and white.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

7890c Compositing in Photoshop #7

No comment.

7890c Compositing in Photoshop #6

I find graphic design to be anything from type, illustrations to photography its all about imagery.

7890c Compositing in Photoshop #5

Don't throw rocks in a glass house, when i heard this i didn't think much of it and, then i thought of a glass house and that its all made of glass, walls and the roof, when i thought of the glass roof/ceiling i remembered the famous quote during the woman's rights protest, 'break through that glass ceiling' and when i thought about it some more i viewed the 'don't throw rocks in a glass house' through he eyes of a high business men of the 1960's and see how they viewed themselves. an this image is what i regurgitated.

7890c Compositing in Photoshop #4

Your mind is like a bad neighbourhood, don't go their alone. This is true, i had a friend once that had nightmares every night for several months, and they just got worse and he became chronic depressed and a little paranoid and when i asked him if he needed help, he just said he was fine, so i told him 'never do things alone'. so this composite has a personal feel to me because i know what the mind can do to the body.

7890c Compositing in Photoshop #3

Star Wars has always been one on my most favorite movie of all time, it might be an old movie but it is still the best, the composite had to include 4 characters from the all movies an yourself holding a light saber. the image you see is what I came up with.

7890c Compositing in Photoshop #2

The grass is always greener on the other side. This composite was meant to be a scenery that had set items that had to be used in the image, i wanted a nice scenic route image so using what i had i constructed this image.

7890c Compositing in Photoshop #1

The land of giants. when I first heard this saying all i thought about was giant people walking in a distant land of rolling hills and forests. I tried to recreate the image i had in my head in the image you see before you.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

5371a: Design Elements & Principles; Rationale pt2

This is the GPS, Sight-v1 which has now been made digitally, various things have been modified and some are still the same, what has changed are a few things like, the imagery. on the sides and back and the top of the box. the images have been change because due to not finding the right image for the purpose, I compromised. Things that have stayed the same are the colour scheme, mostly black and white, with minimal colour; gimmicks and logo have stayed the same, as well as the information. A serial number has been added under the barcode because it is a widely seen thing on most GPS boxes.

AThe advert has been greatly changed for the same difficulties in finding the right images. Using other stock that I had on hand I used that instead and added a the line “the catwalk was the other way” because the image depicts a model posing for the camera in a street, she looks more for the catwalk so I added the line to give a humorous feel to it and still relate to the idea “..never loose sight of your destination..”

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Flash help

Hey guys, for those of you that need more help with flash here is a site that has endless supply of flash tutorials, you might have to look for what you need but it is helpful.

If you need any help just ask.


Here is a list of Logos that we were asked to create.
- Arachnid (Jewelry)
- Silent Rage (Metal Music Store)
- Slippery (Adult Shop)
- Kamron Interactive (game developer)
- Smith & Associates (lawyers)

5371a: Design Elements & Principles; Rationale

5371a: Design Elements & Principles; Rationale

The product is a GPS, i named the GPS the Sight-v1 which is aimed to relate to the company's phrase/slogan "Don't loose sight of your objective". The logo of the Sight-v1 is of a small flag surrounded by brackets, these flags are common in certain maps, mainly military as waypoints, waypoint is also the name of the company. The graphics such as the face and the landscape on the back would be actual photography. The colour scheme of the box would be mainly black with a little colour to bring it out more. The box itself i hand designed basing it off other boxes i have seen, the measurements were designed to be compact and space saving. The product itself was to be aimed at middle class income earners, to high income earners. The information on the Box is very similar to the the information found on other GPS products, the information was placed on the sides and back, so it does not clutter up the space of the box, i provided information on the product itself, as well as accessories, and gimmicks (1 year warranty, 12 months of free updates)

The A4 advert is to be a photo of a woman "power-walking" to her destination, and the GPS in her purse was to give reassurance that she/you would not loose your way in the city with its towering buildings. the phrase is again a reassurance, and the little quote is the slogan of the company was to represent a famous quote that you would sometimes see in books or magazines, and to add character.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

ForeverFlorist BC's

Here are the business cards for Forever Florist, I went with the style of an older one I did but changed the logo a little, and added more colour, the colour adds character. the 1st one is the basic/neat one, with a crisp white background with minimal colour to contrast with the white. The 2nd one is the funky one, I gave it a background colour and added some design work to it to give it more of a fun feel, I only changed the font for the clerks name, I still looks professional but casual at the same time.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Procrastinating #2

Check out these guys, Collider are an australian design agency, they have done work for a few bands and the adds for the MTV Australian awards.

Amy Soi is a artist in Las Vegas, originally from Korea she now lives in the states and works, her art is a mix of manga and folkart check out her site here

Monday, April 28, 2008

Procrastinating #1

You guys should check out these guys over at passion-pictures, they are awesome at what they do.


Well I had a look for logo's I liked and I could not find much but I did find one I did like and have known about for awhile. The logo to my left this logo belongs to Roadrunner United they are a music company that sponsor bands like Opeth, Ill Nino, Slipknot, Cradle of Filth, and Nickel Back.

I like this logo because its has a very, unique look, going on a family crest style but having very mush to do with the metal/hard rock genre.

Also it just looks so damn cool!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

the blog

This blog is basically for the TAFE graphic design students of '08' as a resourse center where thay can gather infromation on and the views of others.