Sunday, May 11, 2008

5371a: Design Elements & Principles; Rationale

5371a: Design Elements & Principles; Rationale

The product is a GPS, i named the GPS the Sight-v1 which is aimed to relate to the company's phrase/slogan "Don't loose sight of your objective". The logo of the Sight-v1 is of a small flag surrounded by brackets, these flags are common in certain maps, mainly military as waypoints, waypoint is also the name of the company. The graphics such as the face and the landscape on the back would be actual photography. The colour scheme of the box would be mainly black with a little colour to bring it out more. The box itself i hand designed basing it off other boxes i have seen, the measurements were designed to be compact and space saving. The product itself was to be aimed at middle class income earners, to high income earners. The information on the Box is very similar to the the information found on other GPS products, the information was placed on the sides and back, so it does not clutter up the space of the box, i provided information on the product itself, as well as accessories, and gimmicks (1 year warranty, 12 months of free updates)

The A4 advert is to be a photo of a woman "power-walking" to her destination, and the GPS in her purse was to give reassurance that she/you would not loose your way in the city with its towering buildings. the phrase is again a reassurance, and the little quote is the slogan of the company was to represent a famous quote that you would sometimes see in books or magazines, and to add character.

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