Thursday, November 27, 2008

Cupcake Confectionary: Designs so far

This is the main logo for Cupcake Confectionary, talking with Suze about colour scheme we agreed a pink colour would be the main colour seen in the products and the other colours would be pale blues, purples and yellows.

It was interesting doing this cause i'm not much of a colour person.


The Australian Graphic Design Association (AGDA) is a national organisation for graphic designers in Aistralia. It was founded in 1988 to facilitate the advancement of the graphic design profession. The goal of AGDA is the establishment of fair and productive working relationships between graphic designers and their clients. they do this by providing designers with the tools and information to take control of their professional lives. they also work on increasing awareness of the value and importance of graphic design in business, education and culture. AGDA is made up of volonteers who also ave a proffesional buisess life outside of AGDA but are still able to keep up the purpose of AGDA.

Cupcake Confectionary:Design Brief

The design brief i was recived was well thought out, it explained everything needed to be done and what the company was ment to be, i had to only sk a few questions mainly about colour schemes and what the overall imagery should look like. i've had no problems with the brief.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


option 1. was a typeface i created from various other typefaces like lord of the rings, D&D runes etc. it was basically a title font for a fantasy setting. i didbn't choose this one because it was too fancy and could not be used for body type.

option 2. was a more simple script typeface, which can be used for title and body type. i didn't choose this one because i though it was too simple and i had no idea how i can use it in poster design etc.

Friday, June 27, 2008

7890c Compositing in photoshop#9

for me it's kinda hard remembering places, bu i do remember people and the characteristics of those people, in a way this helps me remember time and places, but peoples characters imprint in my memory better than places or names.

7890c Compositing in Photoshop#8

Me in paris, wanted to get a nice oldish feel to it so i made it black and white.